My name is Amy and I am the person behind Charlottes Brocante. It is named after one of my daughters.This came from a dream I had to go to France twice a year and you have made it happen.I would try to say thank you in another more meaningful way bit I simply have no words.You have brought so much joy and friendship into my life.
I have 6 children.Yes,I said 6.At this time last year I had 4. My precious adopted daughter Kylie graduated from college in May and is now a missionary in Haiti. I miss her terribly but she is in laying her life down to serve Jesus and is in his will and so in this life I will miss our everyday life of talking and being together for all the eternal work going on. Two year olds in the street are having dinner now.She is one of my heroes. Over the past several months two children from our church had parents that are not able to take care of them because of various addictions.They now reside with us. This has been such a difficult time but the beauty out weighs it all.One of the children we have was using a hole outside to go to the bathroom. 2011 in the united states. Not okay. My husband agrees that this one needs to come home.
My husband .He is amazing. He makes me feel safe and beautiful and loved. Last night as we sat around the table for dinner I looked around at my newly expanded family. I have only had my table filled up for family dinners with beautiful ironed linens and silver.That table was more beautiful than any other time I had ever been there. Paper towels and plates. After dinner my husband prayed for each of the children per there request of what they needed in life.It is such a tender moment I will treasure in my heart to bring out when times are hard.
I am not writing this to say look what we are doing. I am writing this to say look at what God is doing. Everything we do is because he has allowed us to do it. On my own I am selfish and broken.With him I can do all things. Because of his grace for me I can give it to others. The same goes for love and compassion and every other good gift...........they all come from above. He is growing us and our children to love the things of him. I wish every one of you that read this blog would know the Jesus I know. The loving unconditonal no matter what you do or have ever done Jesus.The Jesus who numbers the hairs on your head and knows everything about you Jesus.The Jesus who loves you Jesus who says you have been adopted ,accepted and redeemed Jesus. The Jesus who longs to calls you his own and created you in his image Jesus.The Jesus that says, "One day I will wipe every tear from your eyes.There will be no more pain no more suffering and no more dying "Jesus. He will rock your world this Jesus if you say yes to him.
So that is Charlottes Brocante Amy behind the scenes Amy. I love Jesus , my family and the Brocante in that order.Shirley, Janet and my Kims are up there too in no paticular order.It is raining in Paris.I can't wait to let it fall on me.