Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Are you ready for another peak from the Brocante?

Numbers and towels stretching after the trip across the ocean......
and sweet petite bird cages looking for a new place to land......
plaques to make you smile just a little.......
and unused bolts of linen to create just because you can. Shall I dare show you more?


  1. You can stop right there! LOL I want those linen bolts! :)

  2. STOP! I can't take it........I want it, I love it, I got to have some more of it!.I am going to be first in line for sure.I must bring my helper as well so I will have four hands not just two.Oh please tell me it's soon?~Cheers Kim

  3. Oh Yes please show us MORE..............

  4. ..oh Dear wish I could come!...i will be fighting WhiteWhispers2u for the fabric!
