Monday, August 26, 2013

SATURDAY September 7th 6 pm Charlottes Brocante

 Yes,as said I will be writing Saturday on each post as this is a different day than the annual brocante has ever been. I am giving sneak peaks until the the soiree begins .Below is one of the sweetest things ever to come home with me.To keep or not to keep is always a question I struggle with.
 It is a drawer to hold you pottager seeds.I was thinking store your seeds in this....
 Sprout them in something like this........
And lets start with some carottes non? oui oui oui!!


  1. This is so precious! I am sure it will make someone very happy....

  2. I want 2 erasers!! I want the carrote box!! I want You!!! I want I want I want!!! PLEASE CALL ME!
