Remember when I blogged about Shirley giving me the Ritz Cartlton of Paris Tablecloth when I went to visit her in November? Well Yesterday I went to get the mail and there was a package .Inside a little note read "Dear tartlette,Just a few fripperies for you."And out came two napkins the size of small tablecloths 3 feet by 3 feet across.I was squealing with delight when I saw the other items waiting for me.................

three of the most adorable little bonbon boxes that were filled with candy to celebrate ones Baptism....

Then written on envelope outside it said to look inside the bonbon boxes. One would expect some chocolat or dragees, but this is Shirley we are talking about. Out fell three precious and delightful pins with acanthus leaves and wings on the inside. I have a wing thing so I was beside myself. Little scrummy bits as Shirl would say. You all cannot have any of mine but you can go to Shirls Simply Chateau sight and try to outbid the crazies to get some.This is one battle I wont't have to wage.Lucky me.Thanks Shirley. I love up to Jesus and back plus infinity xxxooo Gladys
Oh My Miss Amy~You won't even believe this but I will tell you anyways.I just bid on the same lil pins and Bon Bon boxes on ebay today! For Real I thought they were the sweetest lil things ever and look here missy you already have them.I am just stunned! They are fabulous lil treasures for sure.~Cheers Kim
ReplyDeleteThose bon bon baptism boxes are the sweetest whisper of preciousness I have ever seen! BUT I think that Shirley is the most precious thing that has come along for my Tartlette ever:) A true friend to behold!
What a dear friend...such treasures!!
ReplyDeleteHi Amy, I'm stopping by via Laura at 52 Flea.
ReplyDeleteA little Birdie told me you have a charming blog. I'm following now, hope it's alright;) tami
How does one go about finding some of your lovely things for sale? I checked to see if you had an etsy and couldn't find one! Or am I crazy? I would love to buy a French document from you If you have any for sale. Thanks Theresa
Stopping by via Laura at 52 Flea to browse your sweet blog. I am so looking forward to exploring some more. Simply lovely.